Secure access to a pipeline of high-caliber data science candidates that are sourced, selected and developed by industry experts at our GAIN Academy. This not only ensures that you get the best skills match for your needs but also that new hires deliver value faster and stay with your business for longer.
Supercharge your recruitment strategy
It’s a candidate’s market for Data & AI skills. Consequently, organizations can find themselves left with a choice between paying premium salaries for highly sought-after established talent or hiring junior candidates with little or no AI experience. The Data Talent Factory offers an alternative.
The program delivers a transformative experience, empowering each participant with a powerful combination of functional expertise and deep understanding of the purpose and value of Data & AI for their organization. Watch to see what some of our clients and participants have to say.

Accelerating talent development and leadership growth
During their first two years with your organization, we offer participants five expert weeks on our growth program and for your highest potential talent, there’s the opportunity to join our leadership program and accelerate their progression into senior roles.
In addition to finding new talent, we understand that building a strong Data & AI team involves upskilling your existing specialists. That's why we've also developed the Data Scientist Program to grow the capabilities of your current Data & AI professionals.