
We use AI to answer ‘what if?’ with ‘we can’.

Our Manifesto, its origins and importance.
By Wouter Huygen, CEO, Rewire.

A new era of performance and possibility.

The AI era has opened up unprecedented opportunities for business innovation, this much is clear. While many companies are excited by this promise, most are yet to see the impact at meaningful scale. We are living in the in-between times when business transforms to a new reality, powered by new technologies.

Less than 1 in 10 large enterprises report realizing significant value from their AI programs 1. As with all general-purpose technologies, unlocking the true potential of AI requires rewiring processes, capabilities, business models and entire organizations. 

That’s the reason why our company exists and why it evolves.

Our own AIvolution.
Over the past 15 years we’ve built our capabilities to translate AI’s potential into performance, delivering a combined bottom line impact of over €1.2bn to date.

As there are ever more and newer ways to drive value with Data and AI, and companies encounter new opportunities and challenges, our own company needs to evolve as well. Constantly. Our own capability building never stops. 

Over the last few months we have embarked on a process to evolve our business further and get ready for the next chapter in our story, and that of AI.

At the centre of this process was a deep dialogue with clients. What are their biggest challenges and ambitions? What do they value most about our partnership and what more can we do to collaborate on the things that matter most to them, their customers and our world. 

From this dialogue, we drew 2 main conclusions:

First, our strategic positioning as Data & AI transformation specialist with a relentless focus on impact at scale is ever-green and resonates across sectors and geographies. Armed with this conviction, we’ve made another step in expanding our international footprint by opening our DACH headquarters in Heidelberg earlier this year.

Second, we have an opportunity to better articulate our strategic positioning. Stating clearly how we bring value to you, our clients and partners. 

Today we share our new brand manifesto and our new name – Rewire – to underscore our aspiration to serve clients by rewiring their business end-to-end, with Data & AI.

Our manifesto.
Rewire is Data & AI partner to the leaders of tomorrow. 

We operationalize every aspect of Artificial Intelligence, from machine learning to Gen AI, to create AI-native organizations. 

We fuse AI into the DNA of clients’ organizations, creating and scaling self-learning systems that reinvent the very core of how they think, operate and innovate. 

By combining the strengths of Human and Artificial intelligence, we enable our clients to continually advance performance to new, previously impossible horizons.

The purpose statement that captures this manifesto is: 

We use AI to answer ‘what if?’ with ‘we can’.

About our brand manifesto.

It’s a statement of intent.

Our manifesto is bold. Intentionally so. But also practical.

AI creates a candy store of previously impossible opportunities. A million moonshots.  

What if we could help pioneering leaders to develop climate-resilient crops, improve cancer outcomes or decarbonize supply chains? What if we could empower bankers and doctors with AI co-pilots, sales people with prediction engines or product managers with novel forecasting machines? 

We can. 

Our manifesto drives us to translate data into the ability to focus on the decisions that matter, and to make those decisions inherently, consistently and increasingly better and automated.

At the same time, realizing these moonshots require tenacious efforts with nuts and bolts.  We aim to combine both ends of the spectrum: joining our clients on their AI-empowered quest for the next performance horizon, while turning these audacious goals into reality.

Our purpose is bigger than just big profits. And it’s bigger than us.

Recent research from Cornell University captured the thoughts of nearly 3000 leading AI minds. The average prediction was that, if the science continues undisrupted, the chance of unaided machines outperforming humans in every possible task was estimated at 10% by 2027, and 50% by 2047 2. But the jury is very much out on the topic of so-called singularity. Let alone on the impact on future jobs and labour markets.

Regardless of if and when, there is an inevitability to the impact Data & AI will have on humans – and on our humanity. 

At Rewire, we believe that combining IQ and AI is how the world will solve its greatest challenges and capture its greatest opportunities.

Want more content like this from Wouter? 
Register your interest for Rewire Live here – an exclusive, invitation-only event on May 16 in Amsterdam, where guests gain valuable insights from peers and practitioners at the cutting edge of Data & AI.

Sources: 1 MIT. 2 Cornell University.

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