Data & AI Careers
Impossible isn’t a limit, it’s our starting block. Our success has evolved from our healthy disregard for the boundaries of possibility. We empower our people to enthusiastically challenge the limits of today’s thinking, urging them to apply their analytical savviness to create ground-breaking performance breakthroughs with data and AI.
Shape your career path
Transformation consultant, data scientist, AI engineer – there are a variety of career tracks you can follow at Rewire. But whatever route you choose, we promise the following:
You’ll work on AI products. Yes, we’re a service provider, but we’re engineers as well as consultants.
We’ll encourage you to develop your leadership skills. We create stretch environments and encourage people to grow their leadership skills in the broadest sense – from leading entire transformations to being the leading expert in cloud engineering.
You’ll work on programs, not projects. Rather than projects with proof of concepts, we partner with clients to fundamentally reinvent their business with data and AI.
Our culture is our operating system – it provides a framework that influences how we work, the choices we make and the actions we choose. It’s built from an eclectic mix of three foundational elements.